Ruins at Carré d'Art in Nîmes marks the artists’ first solo exhibition in Europe. Through a series of films, installations, sculptures, and works on paper from nearly a decade of their collaboration, Gerard & Kelly mine “ruins” of modernism for hidden choreographies, untold stories, and radical social experiments. A site-specific installation (Ten Thousand Recollections) addresses the Maison Carré, a first-century Roman temple still standing across from the museum, and its entangled history as a template for American civic architecture under  the regime of slavery. A catalog co-edited by Mousse accompanies the exhibition, with an essay by art historian Miwon Kwon and a conversation with the artists and Lou Forster.


Ten Thousand Recollections (detail), 2022. Installation view: Carré d’Art – Musée d’art contemporain de Nîmes, France.
Relay, 2018. Transparent vinyl on windows, nine colors. Installation view: Carré d’Art – Musée d’art contemporain de Nîmes, France.

Affiche (detail), 2022; Facades II, 2022. Installation view: Carré d’Art – Musée d’art contemporain de Nîmes, France.
The family is a system of regeneration I & III, 2018; James Welling, 5097, 2016. Installation view: Carré d’Art – Musée d’art contemporain de Nîmes, France.

The family is a system of regeneration II, 2018. Installation view: Carré d’Art – Musée d’art contemporain de Nîmes, France.
Schindler/Glass, 2017. HD video on two channels, color, sound, 35 minutes. Installation view: Carré d’Art – Musée d’art contemporain de Nîmes, France.
Schindler/Glass, 2017. HD video on two channels, color, sound, 35 minutes. Installation view: Carré d’Art – Musée d’art contemporain de Nîmes, France.
Panorama, 2021. 4K video, color, sound, 22 minutes. Installation view: Carré d’Art – Musée d’art contemporain de Nîmes, France.
Panorama, 2021. 4K video, color, sound, 22 minutes. Installation view: Carré d’Art – Musée d’art contemporain de Nîmes, France.
Ten Thousand Recollections, 2022. Mixed media installation: ink-jet prints on recycled paper, 15 parts: 15 x 21 cm each; architectural model in paper straws, loose tobacco, tracing paper, rolling paper, paper filters, museum board, Virginia Slims cigarettes and packaging; vintage lighter, glass bell jar, graphite on aluminum foil; displaced marble floor tiles. Installation view: Carré d’Art – Musée d’art contemporain de Nîmes, France.

2023 | Group exhibition
Gerard & Kelly: Ruins, Carré d’Art – Musée d’art contemporain de Nîmes, France
CreditsCurator and Director: Jean-Marc Prévost | Deputy Director: Delphine Verrières-Gaultier | Administration, Claire Magnier | Registrar: Béatrice Paquereau | Technical Production: Mathieu Sabatier, Patrice Higuinen | Installation Team: Sidonie Lelièvre, Mathieu Mortier, Léo Schweiger | Cultural Department: Fabien Garcin | Secretariat: Vivette Durand | Documentation: Emmanuella Stauron | Exhibition Design: Gerard & Kelly in collaboration with Simon de Dreuille | Video Projection: A.J. Chami | Graphic Design: Clément Wibaut |  Studio Manager: Vincent Brou | Exhibition photography: Martin Argyroglo | Exhibition furniture graciously provided by Cassina, ClassiCion and Domus | Gerard & Kelly: Ruins was made possible with the support of Ville de Nîmes, Région Occitanie. Pyrénées – Méditerrané, Direction régionale des Affaires Culturelles