Timelining investigates how memory binds people in time. Circling the gallery in an interlocking floor pattern, two individuals in a pre-existing relationship—familial, romantic, or otherwise—speak chronologies of their lives from the present moment backwards. One timeline intertwines with the other according to the rules of a movement score, producing temporal jumps and unscripted moments of intimacy. A score-based performance artwork conceived for the exhibition context, Timelining reflects subjectivity as formed in relation to others, by desire, and always in motion.

Timelining, 2014. Performance view: The Kitchen, New York. Todd McQuade and Ted Henigson.
Timelining, 2014. Performance view: Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Anna Vomáčka & Lissy Vomáčka.
Performance score for Timelining, 2014.

Timelining, 2014. Performance view: Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Heather McGhee and Hassan Christopher.
Timelining, 2014. Performance view: The Kitchen, New York. Todd McQuade and Ted Henigson with Emily Petry and Gwen Petry.
Timelining, 2014. Performance view: Centre Pompidou, Paris. Lou Forster and Lenio Kaklea.
Timelining, 2014. Performance view: Centre Pompidou, Paris. Jacqueline Samulon and Gilles Maury.

2023 | Group exhibition
Clocking Out: Time Beyond Management, Whitney ISP Curatorial Program Exhibition, Artists Space, New York
2017 | Solo exhibition
Centre Pompidou, Paris, presented by Festival d’Automne à Paris2015 | Group exhibition
Storylines: Contemporary Art at the Guggenheim, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York
2014 | Solo exhibition
Gerard & Kelly: Timelining, The Kitchen, New York
With Lauren Bakst & Parker Gard, Sylvain Decloitre & Matthieu Barbin, devynn Emory & Jen Tchiakpe, Lou Forster & Lenio Kaklea, Brennan Gerard & Ryan Kelly, Ted Henigson & Todd McQuade, Ishmael Houston Jones & Emily Wexler, Heather McGhee & Hassan Christopher, Emily Petry & Gwen Petry, Céline Rotsen & Christine Rotsen, Jacqueline Samulon & Gilles Maury, R.B. Schlather & Adam Weinert, Lissy Vomáčka & Anna Vomáčka
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
Festival d’Automne à Paris
Hilary Sheets, The New York Times